Cancer outlook, or prognosis, refers to the likely course and outcome of a person’s disease, including the prediction of survival rates and the cancer’s potential response to treatment.
Several factors can influence a person’s cancer outlook. Some are specific to the cancer, such as the type, stage, and treatment effectiveness. Others are more related to the person, such as age, sex, and overall health.
Cancer survival statistics, which break down survival rates of different cancer types among different demographics, can also help a doctor determine someone’s outlook.
This article looks closer at how a doctor determines someone’s cancer prognosis, the benefits of understanding one’s outlook, the types of cancer survival statistics, and more.
Some factors that affect a person’s cancer prognosis include:
- cancer stage, which refers to the extent of the cancer at the time of diagnosis
- cancer type and location
- tumor size and growth rate
- cancer grade, which refers to how abnormal the cancer cells appear under a microscope
- cancer cell mutations or biomarkers
- treatment options and their effectiveness
- person’s age, sex, and race and ethnicity
- person’s overall health and comorbidities
- lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, and smoking
- treatment options and their effectiveness
- the cancer’s response to treatment
Information like this can help a doctor determine a person’s cancer prognosis and the best course of action.
Cancer disparities
Some of those factors, such as sex and race, are cancer disparities. Cancer disparities
Disparities are
- the odds of surviving cancer are generally less favorable for people with a lower socioeconomic status
- for lung, colorectum, female breast, cervix, and prostate cancers, Black people are more likely to receive a diagnosis at an advanced stage
- overall cancer rates tend to be higher among males than females, regardless of racial or ethnic group
Knowing their cancer outlook can provide a person with valuable information about the likely course of their disease. It can help them make informed decisions regarding treatment options and potential lifestyle adjustments.
Someone seeking information about their cancer outlook may want to know everything from the cancer type, stage, and grade to treatment options, survival rates, and survival projections. On the other hand, a person may only be interested in information about palliative care.
Either way, understanding their outlook enables a person to communicate openly with their healthcare team and optimize their cancer management and care on their terms.
Potential questions a person may wish to ask
Typically, a person’s oncologist is the best person to speak with about their cancer prognosis. Depending on the amount of information they want, a person might ask their oncologist questions such as:
- What is the likelihood I will survive?
- Does my age or sex play into my likelihood of survival? What about genetics or my overall health?
- What are my treatment options?
- How effective are those options?
- What side effects can I expect?
- How long will I need treatment?
- How will my quality of life change?
- Should I make any lifestyle adjustments?
- What are my options for palliative care?
Cancer survival statistics are numbers, typically percentages, that can help people understand the likelihood of their survival for a specific time period after their cancer diagnosis.
The time period may be anywhere from 1–5 years, though 5 years is common.
Researchers gather these statistics from large-scale studies that analyze the outcomes of people with similar cancer types, stages, and characteristics.
They provide valuable insights into the prognosis of people with cancer, helping healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients understand the expected survival rates based on various factors.
Together, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) administer the
The USCS comes from cancer registry data from the CDC’s
Cancer-specific survival
This is also called disease-specific survival. It refers to the percentage of people with a specific type and stage of cancer who have not died from their cancer after a certain period of time following their diagnosis.
Relative survival
The relative survival rate is the percentage of people with cancer who have lived for a certain period of time after their diagnosis in comparison to people without cancer.
Overall survival
Overall survival refers to the percentage of people with a particular type and stage of cancer who have not died from any cause after a certain period of time following their diagnosis.
Disease-free survival
This is also called recurrence-free or progression-free survival. It refers to the percentage of people with a specific type of cancer who are still alive and show no evidence of cancer after a specific period of time following treatment.
Survival statistics play a crucial role in shaping cancer prognoses. Doctors can use this information to help make treatment decisions, inform people about potential outcomes, and establish realistic expectations.
For example, a healthcare professional may use survival statistics to help someone understand the chances of long-term survival based on their specific type and stage of cancer.
Because so many variables are involved, a cancer prognosis is a general guideline or an educated guess rather than a definitive prediction.
This is because treatments and how people and their cancer respond can differ. Additionally, it can take years before doctors and other researchers see the benefits of new treatments or ways of detecting cancer.
This means the statistics a doctor uses to determine a person’s prognosis may not reflect current treatment options.
“Cure” refers to the complete eradication of cancer cells from a person’s body.
“Remission” refers to a partial or complete disappearance of cancer symptoms and signs. During partial remission, the cancer is well controlled; during complete remission, the cancer is undetectable.
However, complete remission does not necessarily mean the cancer is completely gone. A person’s doctor will likely recommend ongoing monitoring to detect any potential recurrence.
Still, after a person is in complete remission for a specific period of time — typically
Learn more with our guide to cancer remission.
Some people may choose not to undergo cancer treatment.
Reasons are personal and vary but may include:
- concerns about potential side effects and effects on quality of life
- personal beliefs and values
- interest in alternative or holistic approaches to cancer management
Additionally, someone with advanced cancer or who has exhausted available treatment options may decide against further interventions. Instead, they may want to focus on palliative care to enhance their comfort and quality of life during their remaining time.
Survival statistics primarily come from studies comparing different treatments rather than comparing treatment to no treatment, so doctors may find it challenging to provide an outlook for people who choose to forgo treatment.
The following are frequently asked questions about cancer and its outlook.
What is the best prognosis for cancer?
Generally, the chances of long-term survival and remission are the highest when:
- doctors detect and diagnose the cancer early
- the cancer is localized and has not spread to other parts of the body
- there are effective treatments available for that type of cancer
However, the specific prognosis can vary greatly depending on the type of cancer, the person’s overall health, and how the cancer responds to treatment.
What is a poor cancer prognosis?
A doctor may determine a poor cancer prognosis if:
- the cancer is detected and diagnosed at an advanced stage
- the cancer has spread to distant parts of the body
- it is a particularly aggressive or difficult-to-treat type of cancer
In such cases, the chances of long-term survival or remission are generally lower.
Other factors that can contribute to a poor prognosis include a person’s overall health, age, and the presence of comorbidities.
A person’s cancer prognosis, or outlook, provides some insight as to what the person may expect after their diagnosis, but it is not a guarantee of outcomes.
From cancer-specific details, such as the type of cancer, to personal information, including the person’s overall health, numerous factors can affect an individual’s cancer prognosis.
It is important to discuss a cancer prognosis with a doctor. It provides valuable information for making informed treatment decisions and setting realistic expectations for the individual’s cancer journey.