Pain in the left arm that comes and goes is a possible sign of a heart attack. However, other conditions, such as an injury or a pinched nerve, can also cause this type of pain.
If a person feels short of breath or has discomfort or pain in their chest or upper body, they should
In this article, we look at some of the causes of left arm pain that comes and goes, along with the symptoms and treatments.
A heart attack happens when blood vessels around the heart become blocked, stopping the blood flow. Usually, this blockage is a buildup of a fatty substance in the arteries.
According to the
- shortness of breath
- pain, squeezing, or pressure in the center of the chest
- pressure or pain in the upper body, which may affect the back, neck, jaw, stomach, or arms
- fatigue
- dizziness
- lightheadedness
- fainting
- nausea or vomiting
- a cold sweat
Males and females may experience different heart attack symptoms. For instance, females are more likely to experience shortness of breath, jaw pain, back pain, nausea, or vomiting. However, the feeling of weight on the chest is common for both sexes.
If someone has these symptoms, they need to seek emergency medical help.
Read more about recognizing the signs of a heart attack.
Heart attack treatment will depend on the severity of the attack and a person’s overall health. According to the
- Medications: Some medications can help dissolve blood clots and clear the blockage.
- Angioplasty: During this procedure, doctors insert a tube in the blocked artery and attempt to open it. Sometimes, they may insert a stent — a mesh tube that helps prop open the artery.
- Heart valve surgery: A surgeon removes the damaged heart valve and replaces it with an artificial valve.
- Bypass surgery: In a heart bypass, a surgeon creates a new passage for blood flow to the heart, bypassing the blocked artery. In some cases, this surgery may be minimally invasive.
- Heart transplant: Severe cases may necessitate a heart transplant, which involves replacing a person’s heart with a heart from an organ donor.
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder that attach the upper arm to the shoulder blade. The rotator cuff allows the arm to move freely within the shoulder joint while keeping the arm bone in place.
Although the rotator cuff is in the shoulder, it can cause pain that radiates down the arm, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). There are several types of rotator cuff injuries, including:
- Tendinitis: This condition involves inflammation or damage to the rotator cuff tendons.
- Bursitis: Bursitis is inflammation and swelling of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac next to the rotator cuff that allows the arm to move freely.
- Torn rotator cuff: The muscles or tendons within the rotator cuff can become damaged, causing one or more tears that can range from mild to severe.
- Impingement: Impingement occurs when the shoulder bone rubs against the rotator cuff. The pain from this type of injury may occur when a person raises their arm above shoulder height.
Rotator cuff injuries can happen to anyone, but they are especially common in athletes who frequently raise their arms overhead, such as tennis players or swimmers. They also affect people with jobs that involve repetitive lifting, such as construction work.
The symptoms of a rotator cuff injury include pain and stiffness when lifting or lowering the arm and pain that radiates from the front of the shoulder to the arm. Over time, the pain may become continuous, limiting a person’s movement.
People with rotator cuff injuries can try the RICE method, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. A person can use the RICE method by:
- avoiding using the arm and resting it whenever possible
- applying an ice pack several times a day to relieve pain and swelling
- wrapping the area with a bandage
- elevating the arm higher than the heart to bring down swelling
The AAOS recommends nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, for short-term pain management, and physical therapy. Rotator cuff injuries that do not respond to these treatments may require corticosteroid injections or surgery.
Read about preventing rotator cuff injuries.
A pinched nerve occurs when a nerve becomes compressed. The pressure causes nerve signals to misfire, resulting in pain that can radiate down the arms.
A slipped disk in the upper spine is a common cause of pinched nerves. A slipped disk occurs when a disk in the spine moves out of place or becomes swollen, putting pressure on the nerves nearby.
Other symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine include:
- numbness or tingling
- pins-and-needles sensation
- pain that feels sharp or burning and that radiates to nearby areas
- muscle weakness
Doctors typically recommend rest to treat a pinched nerve and people should avoid activities that worsen symptoms. Sometimes, a splint or brace may be necessary to immobilize the affected area.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) also occurs due to nerve compression, but only when it affects the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the palm.
CTS causes numbness that
The symptoms may worsen with activities that require a person to bend their wrist, such as reading a book or driving.
Treatments for CTS
- wearing a splint to keep the wrist straight
- avoiding activities that cause symptoms
- corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation
- yoga, which can improve pain and grip strength
- surgery to relieve pressure on the median nerve
If a person seeks emergency care for a possible heart attack, doctors will check their blood pressure and pulse first. They may then use tests to check whether the person is having a heart attack.
- electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), which looks at the heart’s electrical signals
- blood tests
- X-rays
- CT or MRI scans
If doctors determine that the person is not having a heart attack, they may look at the arm for signs of injury. X-rays, MRI scans, and ultrasound tests can allow them to look at the bones and tissues in the arm to check for physical injuries.
To check for CTS, doctors
Although dull left arm pain can be due to an injury or a pinched nerve, there is a chance it is a sign of a heart attack. A person should go to the emergency room or dial 911 right away if this is a possibility.
If the pain is mild or occurs after an injury, a person can call their doctor for advice.
Dull pain in the left arm that comes and goes is a potential warning sign of a heart attack. People must seek emergency treatment if they have the symptoms of a heart attack.
If the arm pain results from an injury or a pinched nerve in the spine or wrist, a person may find relief by resting the arm, applying ice, and taking over-the-counter pain medication. Physical therapy and yoga may help reduce pain and improve strength in people with injuries or CTS.
However, the root cause of the pain will determine the most effective treatment. A doctor can identify the cause of arm pain and recommend the best treatments.