A cold sore will last 1 to 2 weeks before it heals. However, while the cold sore may disappear, the virus that causes cold sores will remain in the body.

In this article, we look at what cold sores are, how long they last, the stages of a cold sore, treatments, and home remedies.

Cold sores, also known as oral herpes, are small, painful blisters that develop around the mouth. They are usually caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Around 67% of the world’s population under 50 have HSV-1, the most common cause of cold sores. However, not everyone who carries HSV knows they have it because only 20% to 40% of people with the virus develop cold sores.

A cold sore may feel:

  • tender
  • tingly
  • painful
  • swollen

Sometimes, people who develop cold sores will also develop a fever, which is why some people call cold sores “fever blisters.”

A cold sore is not the same as a canker sore. A canker sore is a small, painful bump that always occurs inside the mouth and is not contagious.

A 2022 overview of research states that it takes 1 to 2 weeks for cold sores to heal completely. However, the virus that causes cold sores remains in the person’s body throughout their life.

HSV may lie dormant for years and cause no symptoms. In some people, the virus will reactivate and cause cold sores. Between 5% to 10% who get cold sores get them as frequently as five times a year.

Many people contract HSV as children and carry the virus throughout their life.

Cold sores develop and heal in the following stages:

  1. Prodrome, or formation, stage: Several hours or a day before the blister develops, a person will experience itching, tingling, or burning sensations.
  2. Skin discoloration and swelling: During this stage, a person will notice skin discoloration on the affected area. The area will also begin to swell, and a papule will form. A papule is a small, raised bump on the skin.
  3. Formation of blisters: Small, fluid-filled blisters form on the face, often on one side of the lips. People getting cold sores for the first time, such as young children, may also develop a fever or a sore mouth.
  4. Crust, or scab, formation: After 1 or 2 days, the blisters will break open, ooze fluid, and then crust over, forming a scab.
  5. Healing: In the final phase, the cold sore heals completely, and the scab falls off. Cold sores typically disappear within 5 to 15 days.

Learn more about the stages of cold sores.

A cold sore stops being contagious when it has fully healed. It is possible to transmit the virus to others from the moment a person notices the tingling sensations, up until the cold sore has completely healed.

Until the blisters and scabs have completely gone away, people should take precautions to help prevent transmitting the virus to others.

To do this, people should:

  • avoid kissing anyone
  • avoid towels, dishes, or cutlery
  • avoid physical contact sports
  • avoid oral sex
  • wash the hands after touching a cold sore
  • apply ointments to the cold sore with a cotton swab
  • dispose of products that have directly touched the sore

There are no treatments that can cure cold sores outright. Instead, a person can try treatments that reduce symptoms, the frequency of cold sores, and speed healing.

The following over-the-counter (OTC) treatments may help with swelling, soreness, and discomfort:

  • topical cold sore creams
  • patches to protect the sore
  • numbing creams
  • OTC medication to reduce swelling, such as ibuprofen

For severe cases, a doctor may prescribe antiviral medication. A person should start using prescription treatments within 24 hours after symptoms appear.

Prescription medications used to treat cold sores include penciclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir, and acyclovir.

Home remedies and self-care can help people feel more comfortable as a cold sore heals. A person can try:

  • applying ice
  • staying hydrated
  • avoiding very salty or acidic foods and beverages
  • keeping the lips moist with creams or lip balm

HSV can reactivate when a person is stressed, anxious, tired, sunburned, or experiencing hormonal changes. As such, it may help a person with reoccurring cold sores to:

  • get adequate sleep
  • try relaxation techniques
  • seek treatment for anxiety, if needed
  • protect the skin and lips from the sun using SPF
  • avoid using tanning beds

Some people use complementary therapies to help cold sores heal, including:

  • cold teabag compresses
  • lemon mint salve
  • diluted tea tree, geranium, or lavender essential oil

While some essential oils do display some antiviral properties, researchers have not confirmed if they can speed up cold sore healing. Additionally, a person should be careful applying essential oils near the mouth, as some are toxic if ingested.

Although research suggests essential oils may have some health benefits, it is important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not monitor or regulate the purity or quality of these oils. A person should talk with a healthcare professional before using essential oils and research the quality of a particular brand’s products. It is also important to always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil.

How can you make cold sores go away faster?

Treatment is not usually necessary as cold sores resolve on their own. However, applying antiviral ointments can help to speed up recovery by about a day.

For the treatment to work, a person will need to apply them within 24 hours of symptom onset.

When can you kiss after a cold sore?

People can kiss once the cold sore has fully healed. This can take between 5 to 15 days.

Cold sores are a very common symptom caused by HSV. A cold sore will last 1 to 2 weeks and go through distinct stages before healing.

Cold sores may return throughout an individual’s life, although they can become less severe over time.

In most cases, home care and OTC remedies can relieve symptoms and speed healing. Prescription antiviral medications and laser treatment can also help.