Positive affirmations can help people with psoriasis boost confidence levels and counter negative thoughts relating to the condition. Speaking with other people that have psoriasis may also help people feel better about their condition.

Affirmations are positive statements that people say to themselves to overcome negative thoughts.

People can use affirmations to boost confidence and improve their feelings about themselves, their body image, and their capabilities. People may want to say affirmations to themselves in a mirror or as they go about their day.

A 2018 study found that psoriasis may negatively affect mental health, leading to higher rates of anxiety and lower self-esteem. This may cause some people with the condition to isolate themselves or avoid social situations.

This article suggests affirmations for people with psoriasis, examines whether affirmations can boost confidence, and offers other tips for increasing confidence with psoriasis.

A person with psoriasis speaking affirmations to themself in a mirror.-2Share on Pinterest
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The following affirmations may help people with psoriasis boost their confidence levels:

  • My body is strong and capable.
  • I am not alone in this.
  • I choose to feel good about myself.
  • I release the thoughts and habits which no longer serve me.
  • I am grateful for all my body does for me.
  • I am more than this condition.
  • I am healing.
  • I am enough.
  • I love and support myself.

People can create affirmations that feel specific to the difficulties they are facing or that feel positive and empowering.

According to a 2023 study, affirmations may help people to recognize their strengths and positive qualities. They may also help improve mental health and well-being, although further research is necessary.

The study found that self-affirmations had positive short-term effects on mental health in people with psoriasis, including improvement in anxiety and depressive symptoms.

According to an older 2016 article, self-affirmation may help to improve self-competence and promote self-worth by influencing how different structures in the brain work.


Practicing self-compassion and speaking kindly to oneself may also help support mental well-being. A 2017 study suggests self-compassion writing exercises may help to improve body satisfaction and acceptance.

Self-compassion involves the way people act toward themselves and can include:

  • self-kindness, which is a caring perspective people have toward themselves that involves choosing unconditional self-acceptance over self-criticism
  • accepting personal flaws or difficult circumstances as part of being human and something everyone has in common
  • mindfulness, which helps promote awareness and acceptance of negative situations or experiences in a balanced way

Affirmations may be a way to help people practice self-compassion and self-acceptance toward themselves.

Other methods that may help boost confidence levels in people with psoriasis include:

  • Talking with others: Finding a support group or connecting with people who are going through similar experiences may help people feel less alone. The National Psoriasis Foundation offers a one-to-one peer mentor scheme for people with psoriasis.
  • Wearing clothes that feel good: Wearing comfortable fabrics, such as cotton, or clothes that people feel their best in may boost confidence levels.
  • Managing symptoms: Finding effective treatment options may help people manage their symptoms and reduce the severity of flare-ups that can cause anxiety or depressive symptoms.
  • Embracing conversations about psoriasis: People may find it difficult to talk about psoriasis with their friends, family, or in a romantic relationship. However, talking about the condition can help others better understand and offer support.
  • Informing people at school or work: People can explain their condition to an employer, coworkers, or teachers to help them understand their situation and obtain the necessary support.
  • Listening to other people’s stories: Learning how other people with psoriasis have overcome difficulties may help people feel less isolated in their experiences and gain tips on boosting their mental health and well-being.

If psoriasis affects someone’s mental health or confidence levels, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional.

Working with a team of healthcare professionals, such as a dermatologist or a mental health professional, may help people better cope with the mental health effects of psoriasis.

Addressing physical symptoms with a dermatologist may help to improve mental health issues, and working with a mental health professional can help to change the way people think and feel about their condition. Treatment options may include:

People with psoriasis may face mental health issues, including issues with confidence, low self-esteem, or low self-worth. If psoriasis has a negative effect on a person’s confidence or mental health, it is important to seek help.

Affirmations are positive statements people repeat to themselves to help counter negative thoughts or beliefs. They may help to improve well-being and mental health and encourage people to focus on their positive qualities and strengths.

Alternatively, people can talk with a doctor or mental health professional who can help to treat both physical and mental symptoms of psoriasis to help improve confidence.