The National MS Society has just committed $9.2 million to launch 26 new MS research projects as part of its comprehensive research program and commitment to move research forward. This investment comes despite a challenging economic environ¬ment, and is the latest in the Society's relentless research effort to stop MS, restore function, and end this disease forever.

The new projects include a clinical trial testing a type of physical therapy to improve function in people with progressive MS, and a project searching for gene variations that may explain why MS affects more women than men. Read summaries of all these new projects.

There are FDA-approved drugs that can impact the underlying disease course in people with the more common forms of MS. However, none of these drugs can stop or cure the disease. The National MS Society funded basic research that helped lead to the development of each of these drugs, and continues to be a driving force of MS research. Read more about how far we've come in MS research.

National MS Society