The Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores (Mexican State Department, Mexican Foreign Office) says it has received numerous offers of help for the victims of the current floods in Tabasco from Mexicans and Americans living in the USA. In order to facilitate the smooth transaction of funds for the flood victims, the government department has opened two bank accounts in the USA. They are׃

Bank: Wells Fargo Bank NA
Account Name: “Ayuda Tabasco”
Account Number: 599253401
For Transfers: 121000248
Electronic Code: 111900659

Bank: BBV Bancomer USA
Account Name: “Ayuda Tabasco 2007”
Account Number: 2280300127 (For donations done in California)
ABA: 1-2222-05-06 (For donations done outside California)

Mexican authorities say there will soon be another account opened for donations carried out in other countries (outside the USA).

Mexican authorities say that offers of help that are coming in from various countries around the globe will be evaluated carefully so that they may be put to the best use swiftly. Relaciones Exteriores announced that “Our representations abroad are informing Mexican citizens of a telephone number for those wishing to find out about friends and loved ones in Tabasco – the number is (+52 998) 358 0412721. The numbers 52 are for Mexico when you dial from outside Mexico, while 998 are for the state of Tabasco.

All Mexican Embassies/Consulates around the world have been told to keep Mexican communities informed and to offer help and support for those wanting to find out about friends and loved ones.

“The Mexican government, thanks all those who have expressed their support and solidarity,” said the Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores.

Worst Floods in Mexican History

Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing the devastating floods in the State of Tabasco where various rivers have burst their banks after the heaviest rains ever seen in Mexico. Dams have broken and the whole scene looks like a repetition of the disasters brought on by Katrina in New Orleans and surrounding areas.

As I was driving to work this morning in Cancun, Mexico, where I live, I heard someone on the radio saying that in a few days Tabasco received the equivalent of the amount of rain England gets in a whole year – and believe me, it rains a lot in England.

Villahermosa, Tabasco’s capital, is under between 6ft to 30ft of water. Local radio reports say people are still sitting on their rooftops, refusing to get down. A man on the radio this morning, who managed to get to safety, said many people are staying on their roofs because they are afraid of what may be swimming in the water below. Tabasco is in the tropics, and tropical insects and reptiles abound. The flood waters are described as filthy and murky.

Authorities say approximately 300,000 people are still waiting to be rescued – trapped in their homes. Neighboring states have also been affected. So far, there has only been one death as a result of these floods in Tabasco, but these numbers are expected to rise rapidly.

The country’s entire air force has been told by Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico, to get supplies in, and take people to safety.

Collection centers have opened all over Mexico – where one can donate either money or goods. My wife and I went to the supermarket this morning, one called Soriana, and saw a huge stand that had been set up by the Rotary Club of Cancun. People were encouraged to add a couple of products to their shopping trolley. We asked what was most urgently needed, and were told diapers (for babies and adults), canned food, blankets, drinking water, powdered milk, clothes, sterilizing products, it is a long list. I strongly urge all the Rotary Club centers around the world to focus your attention on helping the victims of Tabasco – your centers in Mexico are doing a marvelous job, your help would make a huge difference.

If you wish to make a donation, below is a UNICEF link aimed at helping the children affected by these floods׃

Tabasco Floods – Help The Child Victims

Written by – Christian Nordqvist