The independent advisory committee on microbiological safety (UK) is seeking views on its draft second report on campylobacter.

The Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food\'s (ACMSF) report reviews current information on the detection and epidemiology of different types of campylobacter, and its ability to cause disease. The committee assesses the risk to people of microorganisms that are used, or occur, in or on food, and advises the Food Standards Agency on any matters relating to the microbiological safety of food.

Campylobacter is the single biggest cause of foodborne illness in the United Kingdom. Previous work by the ACMSF identified evidence that suggested that poor handling and preparation of chicken is a contributing factor. The committee concluded that a reduction in food poisoning caused by campylobacter would contribute towards the Agency achieving one of its key strategic aims ? to reduce the incidence of foodborne disease by 20% by 2006.

The new draft report considers measures for preventing contamination in poultry and other meat, and methods for tackling campylobacter in people\'s homes and in catering environments. An annexe to the report deals with the key areas that the Committee considers require longer term research.

The ACMSF will review its draft report in the light of any comments received before publishing the final version of the report.

Responses to the consultation must be submitted by 13 August 2004.

ACMSF report on campylobacter
Read the consultation documents

Committee on Microbiological Safety (ACMSF)
Information on ACMSF