Alcohol enemas involve inserting alcohol through the anus and into the rectum. They may make a person feel drunk faster and decrease the risk of vomiting, but they can also increase the risk of alcohol poisoning.

Alcohol enemas, also called “butt-chugging” or “boofing,” involve inserting alcoholic drinks into the rectum through the anus to bypass the body’s metabolizing processes.

People may consume alcohol this way to experience its effects faster, to avoid vomiting, or due to peer pressure. However, individuals may still be at risk of alcohol poisoning and overdose if they ingest alcohol this way.

This article discusses the purpose of alcohol enemas, what to expect after the procedure, safety precautions to consider, and when to seek emergency help.

A large collection of beer cans, some already opened to use during an alcohol enema.-1Share on Pinterest
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A 2018 case series suggests peer pressure plays a role in excessive alcohol consumption and drinking games, including the practice of alcohol enemas.

According to a 2019 article, non-oral alcohol consumption is typically an attempt to achieve rapid intoxication. Enemas allow alcohol to enter the body without passing through the gastrointestinal tract, which may hasten its effects.

The article’s authors suggest people may also use non-oral alcohol ingestion in an attempt to:

  • avoid the scent of alcohol on their breath
  • lower their calorie consumption
  • reduce the risk of vomiting or hangovers

Enemas involve inserting a liquid or gas into the rectum, often through a tube. In this case, people would pour alcohol through the tube, bypassing the liver, which would usually filter it.

As a result, a person’s blood alcohol levels may rise higher and faster than they would if they drank the same amount of alcohol.

Some people may attempt an alcohol enema alone, while others may do it as part of social drinking or drinking games.

According to a 2019 article, people may experience the following symptoms after performing alcohol enemas:

  • a burning or stinging sensation in the anus
  • black feces due to gastrointestinal bleeding
  • a frequent urge to defecate without being able to

Alcohol enemas may cause a higher concentration of blood ethanol, which may make someone feel drunk faster than if they drank the same amount of alcohol.

Enemas allow alcohol to bypass the liver and stomach, letting the body absorb it into the bloodstream and through the colon’s lining without the body breaking it down.

This can lead to a higher blood alcohol concentration, increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning and central nervous system depression.

According to a 2019 article, alcohol enemas may pose the following additional risks:

Safety precautions

Alcohol enemas pose health risks, including a higher likelihood of alcohol poisoning. However, if someone is going to attempt it, the following precautions may make the experience safer:

  • Choose a low strength alcohol: Enemas allow alcohol to enter the bloodstream without metabolization, so a lower alcohol content is necessary to feel intoxication.
  • Insert the alcohol gradually: Since people may experience faster effects, they need to use less alcohol than they would consume orally.
  • Get assistance: Get help from at least one person who is sober and can recognize the signs of alcohol poisoning and call for emergency assistance if necessary.

People may be less likely to vomit after taking alcohol enemas. However, their bodies cannot process the alcohol and purge any excess.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) lists the following symptoms of alcohol overdose:

If someone shows these symptoms after ingesting alcohol orally or anally, people need to seek emergency medical help.

Getting support with alcohol consumption

If people are concerned about their alcohol consumption, the following list includes helplines and organizations that can provide free support:

Alcohol enemas may be popular with people who wish to feel intoxicated faster or to avoid effects such as vomiting and alcohol on the breath.

However, enemas prevent proper metabolization of alcohol, which can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning. People need to take steps to stay safe if attempting an alcohol enema, including having a sober companion to call for help if necessary.

Signs of alcohol overdose include passing out, seizures, a slow heart rate, and confusion. People need immediate medical attention if they show symptoms of alcohol overdose.