Carers across the country will be given better access to healthchecks, more support from the NHS and more opportunities to take time off thanks to a £16 million demonstration programme announced by Care Services Minister Phil Hope today.

From October, twenty five demonstrator sites will test different ways of supporting people who care for friends or family. The sites will look at:

- helping carers take time off or go on holiday through a 'choose and book' website and a 'valuing our carers' discount scheme for travel, holidays, sports and leisure activities;

- providing healthchecks, at locations that fit in with the carer's schedule;.

- providing paid replacement care so carers are able to take breaks;

- teaching carers stress management techniques, giving advice on healthy eating and smoking cessation to carers in their own homes; and

- supporting carers more effectively through the NHS, for example, by ensuring that the NHS considers carers' needs when booking and holding GP and hospital appointments and involving carers when making hospital discharge arrangements.

Speaking at the Carers UK conference Phil Hope said:

"We must help carers maintain their own health and well-being and find better ways for the NHS to support them in their caring responsibilities. Caring can be a full time job - but, unlike a nine to five job, carers never stop working. It is essential that they are able to take breaks away from caring.

"These projects will test a range of ways to ensure carers are better supported in their day to day caring role but are also able get more breaks and easier access to them."

Imelda Redmond, Chief Executive of Carers UK said:

"Too often carers struggle with confusing bureaucracy and services that cannot fit around their caring responsibilities. Carers UK welcomes these projects and hopes they will encourage service providers to think outside the box and deliver flexible services at different times and in accessible locations.

"We need to see more of this kind of co-ordinated activity, with the NHS and social services working together to cut carers' stress, value their contribution and support carers to look after their health."

Each site will receive between £400,000 and £800,000 over two years to fund their work. In total, overall over £16 million will be spent on the demonstrator sites over two years.

Department of Health, UK