Calcium, magnesium, and zinc are three minerals that a person requires for optimal health. They are naturally present in foods, or a person can take supplements containing all three minerals.

Minerals are substances that the body needs to function properly. Numerous minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and zinc, play important roles in keeping a person healthy.

Taking supplements, such as combined calcium-magnesium-zinc, can help fill a nutritional gap and may provide a person with specific benefits. Though few studies explore the combined supplement, several studies show evidence of the benefits of each mineral when taken individually.

This article reviews some of the potential health benefits of taking calcium-magnesium-zinc, possible side effects, dosage, and natural sources.

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Experts generally recommend a person gets all their nutrients from a varied diet. However, people on calorie-restricted diets or who avoid certain foods, such as meat, may not get enough minerals through their foods alone.

As such, taking a combined calcium-magnesium-zinc supplement may provide several benefits.

Improved mood

Some evidence suggests that zinc and magnesium may help with improving a person’s mood or reducing anxiety.

In a 2018 study, researchers concluded that a person’s total zinc, iron, copper, and selenium intake has an inverse relationship to depression. In other words, consuming more of these minerals may help with depression.

In a 2017 review, researchers found that the existing evidence suggests magnesium provides a beneficial effect on anxiety in people vulnerable to the condition. However, they also noted that most of the studies were low quality, meaning additional studies are necessary to better prove the association.

Additional research is still necessary to show whether these two elements play an important role in mood regulation.

Blood sugar control

Zinc and magnesium may both play a role in regulating blood sugar levels.

According to a 2019 review of 32 controlled studies, taking zinc supplements helped significantly reduce several glycemic indicators in people living with diabetes. Influenced factors included fasting glucose levels, fasting insulin levels, and insulin resistance.

A 2017 systematic review suggests that taking magnesium supplements can help reduce insulin resistance in people living with diabetes. Researchers note that future research should focus on its potential to help prevent diabetes development.

Improved immunity

Magnesium and zinc may play a role in helping immunity.

Evidence suggests that magnesium deficiency is a contributor to chronic, low grade inflammation. This inflammation can lead to other health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Supplementing with magnesium may help prevent deficiency in people who do not naturally get enough through their diet.

Additional evidence suggests that zinc plays a role in supporting the immune system to promote wound healing and fight infections and inflammation.

Better sleep

Some evidence suggests that magnesium and zinc can help with relaxation and sleep.

In a 2016 study, researchers found evidence to suggest taking magnesium can help reduce physical and mental stress. This may help with preventing several conditions, including depression and sleep disorders.

A 2018 study showed that ICU nurses gained improved sleep quality from taking zinc supplements, which may mean people looking to improve their sleep may also benefit from supplements containing zinc.

Improved bone health

Many people take calcium-magnesium-zinc as a means to prevent osteoporosis.

The human body cannot make calcium, which means a person has to consume it through their diet or supplements. Without adequate calcium, a person’s bones can weaken, leading to osteoporosis.

Zinc is well-established as a mineral that helps promote healthy bone growth and density.

Magnesium can play a role in bone development by activating vitamin D. Vitamin D plays an essential role in helping the body use calcium to build bones.

Though generally safe, taking supplements can cause some side effects in some people. Often, the effects worsen or appear when a person takes too much.

Possible side effects of taking calcium, magnesium, and zinc may include:

  • diarrhea
  • headaches
  • loss of appetite
  • stomach pain and cramps
  • constipation
  • numbness and tingling
  • nausea and vomiting
  • muscle weakness

These minerals also compete with each other for the body to absorb them. A person may find that they need to take them separately in order to avoid deficiencies developing.

Taking calcium may not be right for everyone. Evidence suggests that taking calcium can increase the risk of kidney stone development.

A person should discuss any new supplement with a doctor to make sure it will not interfere with current medications or worsen any pre-existing conditions.

Calcium-magnesium-zinc supplements are available from different brands. The exact dosing will vary based on the manufacturer.

Recommended daily values of each individual mineral are:

Daily values can vary based on factors such as age and gender. A person can discuss how much calcium, magnesium, and zinc they should take each day with a healthcare professional.

Experts recommend eating a healthful diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and unsaturated fats. In doing so, many people will get the nutrients and minerals they need, including calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

Foods that contain calcium include:

  • milk
  • legumes
  • yogurt
  • cheese
  • green vegetables

Read on to learn more about nondairy foods high in calcium.

Food sources that contain magnesium include:

  • dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach
  • whole grains
  • almonds
  • cashews
  • peanuts
  • dark chocolate

Read on to learn more about foods rich in magnesium.

Zinc comes from sources such as:

  • red meat
  • seafood
  • whole grains
  • almonds
  • eggs
  • lima beans
  • poultry
  • wheat germ
  • fish

Read on to learn more about foods high in zinc.

Taking a calcium-magnesium-zinc supplement may help with different aspects of health, including bone strength, sleep quality, immune support, blood sugar control, and overall mood.

Supplements are generally safe, but they can cause side effects. Before starting a new supplement, a person should discuss their reasons for taking it with a doctor. They may be able to provide additional advice on dosing and other suggestions to help the person.