Post-concert depression describes the feelings of melancholy a person can experience after attending a much-anticipated concert. These feelings can be fleeting, or they can lead to a more serious bout of depression.
Post-concert depression is not a medical diagnosis but an anecdotal one. After a concert, many people feel disappointed and yearn for the pleasurable emotions they experienced during the show. They may also feel disconnected from the real world.
These feelings may ease with time. However, if they continue for longer than 2 weeks, the person may be clinically depressed.
Depression is a serious mental illness that can cause feelings of sadness and disinterest in things that a person previously found engaging. This condition can impact a person’s daily life and cause emotional and physical problems.
This article explains what post-concert depression is and offers tips on how to feel better. It also explains potential signs that could indicate clinical depression and when to seek help.
People with post-concert depression may experience symptoms of clinical depression. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), these include:
- feeling sad or empty
- disinterest in activities
- trouble concentrating or making decisions
- feeling worthless
- feeling tired or lacking in energy
- having trouble sleeping
- changes in appetite
The APA notes that people experience these symptoms differently and that they can range from mild to severe.
A person with post-concert depression may feel overwhelmed immediately after the event, but these feelings can ease and disappear over the following days and weeks.
It is natural for people to feel “down” after a big event, such as a concert. People may spend hours planning and anticipating the show. Once the event is over, people may feel listless and unable to enjoy their daily life.
During pleasurable activities, people produce endorphins and dopamine. These are chemicals in the brain that can make a person feel good.
When the pleasurable activities end, people experience a dip in these hormones, which can make them feel downcast in comparison.
A 2021 study into music and memory suggests that listening to music can activate the dopaminergic mesolimbic system. This is the part of the brain that plays a role in the body’s reward response.
Post-concert depression may be an adjustment disorder. People with adjustment disorders experience emotional and behavioral symptoms in response to a significant event.
The intensity of their feelings may be disproportionate to the actual stressor and typically resolve within
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) explains that feelings of sadness or anxiety after a big event are natural, and people can learn to manage these emotions. Most people with post-concert depression do not need medical treatment.
Negative emotions may feel overwhelming, but understanding that negative feelings are a typical part of the body’s response to stress may help a person come to terms with them. Knowing that people can experience lows after concerts may help them prepare for it.
NAMI adds that some people find alternative therapies to help them cope with depressive episodes, such as acupuncture and meditation.
People may also partake in activities to boost endorphin levels and relieve stress, such as exercising.
Concerts are a shared experience. Afterward, some people may miss the sense of belonging they felt. Connecting with other fans, either in person or online, may help to recreate this feeling and help the person feel better.
Talking about the concert and sharing memories may help people remember the positive aspects of the event and the reasons why they wanted to do it in the first place. It may also prompt them to plan another event, giving them something to look forward to.
Post-concert depression differs from clinical depression in that the feelings of sadness usually resolve within a few weeks. According to the APA, a person must experience symptoms for more than 2 weeks and a change in their level of functioning to receive a depression diagnosis.
An early-stage 2020 research article suggests that the frequency of negative thoughts and feelings may also distinguish post-concert depression from clinical depression.
It suggests that people with clinical depression may experience negative thoughts and anxieties constantly. However, people with post-concert depression may only experience these feelings intermittently following the event they attended.
The researcher notes that people with post-concert depression still had positive memories of the event, regardless of any lingering sadness.
Concerts are emotional experiences for many people. However, knowing that people may feel disappointed or depressed afterward can help them to prepare for the experience and lessen the effect with some coping strategies.
There is no sure way to avoid feeling down, but having coping strategies ready may reduce the intensity of the negative feelings after a concert.
The APA suggests the following self-help methods to cope with symptoms of depression:
- regular exercise
- eating a healthy, balanced diet
- avoid depressants, such as alcohol
- getting enough sleep
A person may incorporate these strategies before a concert and plan ahead to continue with them after the concert.
Most people with post-concert depression do not need to see a doctor, but the APA recommends seeing one if the person experiences symptoms of depression for more than 2 weeks.
A person should speak with a doctor if they experience any thoughts about self-harm.
Post-concert depression describes the negative feelings a person may experience after a music concert. These feelings may include anxiety, sadness, and being unable to concentrate.
People experience these feelings with varying intensity, and symptoms usually disappear within 2 weeks. If symptoms continue past 2 weeks and affect a person’s daily functioning, they may be experiencing clinical depression.
Coping strategies, including talking with friends, regular exercise, and meditation, may reduce a person’s symptoms and help them feel better.